Kimi Hasegawa, PT, MS
Core Movement Integration Level 3 Practitioner
Blending Core Movement Integration and Physical Therapy
Core Integration Vermont PLLC
Solar Hill, 229 Western Avenue
Brattleboro, VT 05301
Medicare, Vermont Medicaid and BCBS insurance accepted.
A physical therapist for over 25 years, Kimi has studied Core Movement Integration since 2001. She is certified by the National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) to train body workers in CMI and is currently lead teacher in the CMI practitioner certification program.
In her individual treatment sessions and her classes, Kimi uses CMI as a lens through which to view the client and determine where to work and which Pathways and positions to use. Treatment includes other manual techniques, particularly myofascial and positional release, and joint mobilization. Learning to use CMI’s 6 Movement Pathways for all activities is always central.