CMI 2025 Practitioner Training Program — Course Description

by Cheryl

Spring, Summer and Early Fall 2025

The Core Movement Integration (CMI) Practitioner Certification Program consists of five in-person* seminars. Each seminar provides 10 hours of class time including instruction in the CMI six Pathways and their applications, developing a “felt sense” of the body and movement, group practice, and peer learning sessions.

*In-person is defined as on-line via Zoom.

Primary Teachers
Kimi Hasegawa, LPT, MS, NCBTMB certified instructor
Deborah Hledik, LMT (AMTA), NCBTMB certified instructor

Guest Teachers:
Dr. Josef DellaGrotte, PhD, CMI Founder
Additional certified CMI practitioners to be announced

Seminar 1: CMI Foundations – Mapping Movement Pathways with Functional Anatomy

  • Learn the six basic CMI Pathways in standing, sitting, side lying and supine
  • Apply the four fundamental movement concepts of CMI – Connect, Lengthening, Flow, Uplift
  • Enhance learning by connecting movement with breathing and touch 
  • Explore multiple manual techniques and their effects

Seminar 2. Improving Dynamic Core Stabilization in Standing and Sitting 

  • Use the CMI Pathways to access the pelvic floor and deep abdominals 
  • Understand the role of pelvic tilting and rotation in the CMI Pathways
  • Develop a sense of the dual role of stability and mobility of the pelvis and spine 

Seminar 3. CMI: Upper Body – Connecting Head-Neck and Spine to Pelvis

  • Mobilize the ribs and spine to increase upper trunk support and improve breathing
  • Use CMI Pathways to connect pelvic and skull movement through the spine

Seminar 4. CMI: Shoulder – Connecting Shoulder-Arm to Ribs, Spine and Pelvis 

  • Use CMI Pathways to improve arm movement by connecting its movement to the whole body

Seminar 5: CMI: Walking – Connecting Lower Leg to Greater Trochanter and Spine

  • Use the CMI Pathways for locomotion (walking, ascending and descending stairs)
  • Overview of Certification Program

Students are required to attend all five seminars. Video recordings of each seminar session will be available for additional study. Should a student miss an in-person class, the video recording may be used to make up the missed class. To receive credit for any classes not attended in-person, the student must view the recorded class video and submit a written report describing the material learned, its applications and any questions about the material.

Seminar Schedule (TBA)

Registration and Fees (TBA)